James Latham & The Environment

The Directors recognise the importance of environmental considerations. As a responsible organisation the James Latham Group seeks to follow, in all areas of its activities, policies which support this.

The Environment

It is considered that with best practices observed, timber and wood products are the ultimate sustainable and recyclable materials, requiring low energy consumption to process and are thermally efficient in use.

The Group is an involved supporter of the policies adopted by Forests Forever and a signatory to its recommended policies.

Forests Forever is a campaign by Britains timber industry to help safeguard the forests of the world by encouraging improved forest management, responsible trading and the promotion of the positive environmental aspects of using timber.

As signatories to the Forests Forever policy, we actively seek from our suppliers evidence of commitment to continuous improvement in environmental performance, information on the source of wood products and evidence of good forest management practice. James Latham will only source materials from suppliers who are operating within the laws of their own country.


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